2023 Austin Capitals Open Tryouts

Austin Capitals Open Tryouts

The Austin Capitals are looking for recent college graduates, local prospects and practice players for the upcoming 2023 season. Here is a look at our offensive and defensive coaching philosophy:

  • On Offense, we are running position-less motion offense with multiple horn sets to showcase our players' abilities for potential FIBA overseas or NBA G-League opportunities. Our focus is to find athletic players with high basketball IQ, a strong work ethic, and a level of professionalism.
  • On Defense, we are running full-court man-to man defense during the entire game with multiple substitutions. Our focus is to find players who are in shape and well conditioned to play high level defense with the ability to able to switch on the perimeter.

All basketball players interested in playing for the Austin Capitals must participate in upcoming tryouts with our coaching staff. The Austin Capitals will provide monthly salary, housing (hotel stay), medical insurance, player bonuses, and other related benefits if you make the team's regular season roster.


For more information towards upcoming tryouts, please contact us here. See you there!!!  


Open Tryout Information:


Date: Saturday, October 7, 2023


Time: 10:30am - 1:30pm *Please Be On Time

Check-In Registration starts at 10:00am. Shootaround will be available prior to the start of the tryouts.


Location: Round Rock Sports Center, 2400 Chisholm Trail Rd, Round Rock, TX 78681


Tryout Fee: $100 before September 1st, $150 after September 1st.

Registration only requires $50 deposit (plus tax). Remaining amount is paid on arrival at the gym.


Tryout Format: All open tryouts will include stretching/calisthenics, offensive/defensive drills, offensive/defensive plays and basketball scrimmages against participants within the open tryout or a selected opponent from the United Basketball League (UBL).


What We Are Looking For: Starters (All Positions Available), Rotation/Bench Players, Practice Players. Training Camp Invitations will be given out to the top performers at each open tryouts.